I really enjoyed this sock advertisement because of the older time period element to it. It is like grandpa and that makes the buyers want to buy the socks for their grandparent. It says so much with just one image to me. It shows a whole seen of twenty minutes prior, this man was on the golf course in the peaceful sunshine, making every hole. Then he comes to the changing rooms to admire his brand new socks that have kept his feet all toasty and dry. Assuming that this ad came from the fifties this was the perfect way to grab the buyer. Family values. Maybe it is just suppose to make the older buyer want to be more fit and look as good as he does in his shorts ; ). Just kidding!!
Yes we all new it would come down to a lovely alcohol advertisement being sold by sex! It has to be the oldest trick in the book. Corona does it and so does every major alcohol company that has enough money to hire an expensive agent. Corona has a very different approach to getting people to want their product. The message that is sent from them is, if you drink Corona you are immediately transported to some amazing paradise and in shear and utter bliss. This Sky and most other alcohol companies like to sell the product with the promise that if this alcohol is drunk an automatic confidence boost happens, which insures hooking up with some hot guy or girl. Sad and true that this is the absolute best way to insure that the alcohol company makes a lot of money. If a person remembers one thing in their life it is probably the amazing bright colors of an expensive advertisement and the large amount of skin and kissing shown on a billboard. 
This is a very clever advertisement. The way it shows the people that they are all the same because we all touch things and also all need to keep clean at the same time is awesome. Not so much that we are the same, but we should stick together to make the world a more sanitary place because we do very similar things with our hands and what we touch. The door knob of an extremely dirty bathroom, the table where a 3 year old with the flu sat. It shows people that is is important to be sanitary. Definitely creative and does not use sex or anything like that to sell. The whole together we can conquer the bacteria on the floor idea is appealing to most Americans.
Yeah, I agree that part of what makes a sad reality is that sex sells. It is looked upon as the upmost way of getting satisfaction. This brings the question to mind....What do some people live for? As far as the hand sanitizer ad, I think it is a very creative way to bring life to what we do without even thinking. We never imagine stuff like that.
ReplyDeleteI like all your examples this week. My final is on "sex sells" so i will most likely use your skyy vodka ad as an example. I really liked the hand sanitizer ad as well, it is a strong reminder how many things have germs all over them. I notice this kind of advertising a lot now that people are really worried about the swine flu.